How To Avoid Constipation During Pregnancy- By: Emma Sundstromma

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Constipation is one of the problems of nearly half of all pregnant women. This is because pregnant women have high levels of the hormone called progesterone, which can relax the muslces of the bowels and slow down the digestive process. The digestive track slows down to make sure that the body absorbs the nutrients from the food you eat so this can be used by your baby. As a result of constipation, most pregnant women also suffer from hemorrhoid, which occurs when you strain to remove your bowels.

But there are ways for you to prevent constipation even when you are pregnant. Simple changes in your diet can keep constipation away. It is best to include fiber-rich foods in your diet since this can help prevent constipation. Foods that are rich in fiber absorb water and can make your stools soft and easy to eliminate.
Among the fiber-rich foods are whole grain cereals and oatmeal. Instead of using white bread for your sandwiches, use whole grain breads since these are rich in fiber. Your cereals and yogurt will also be healthier if you add some oat bran.

Fruits are also a great source of fiber. Fresh pineapples, melons and plums or even dried fruits like raisins, figs and apricots are rich in the fiber that your body needs. Prunes, as well as prune juice can also help you with constipation since these have laxative properties. At least 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day can do a lot in keeping constipation away. You will know that you have enough fiber in your diet if your stools are big and soft and you do not have to strain when passing them. Take note though that too much fiber in the diet is not also good since this can cause diarrhea. So just make sure to eat enough fiber.

Water can also help keep constipation away. Drinking the required 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can do the trick. Beware though of drinking just about any liquid since there are liquids that can cause constipation. Carbonated drinks and drinks that contain caffeine, although liquids, too, can cause constipation so you better stay away from them. The best way to make sure that you are drinking the correct liquid is to drink plain water. You can never go wrong with plain water if you want to prevent constipation. cxkjsd6234

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Author Resource : Eating right can also help the condition of Hemorrhoids. Before spending money on Hemorrhoid cures, visit our site today to learn more about
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